How do I add a card for payment?
In the owner's role, you are responsible for setting up payments to ensure any shifts worked are paid out.

To enter a payment method:
a) go to your profile and tap Settings,
b) Scroll down to the bottom of the screen.
c) Under PAYMENT INFORMATION, tap Add, and fill in the payment details.
d) When complete, tap the checkmark.

Note: Shifts cannot be booked without valid payment info on file.
How do I add a card for 10+ locations?
If you would like to setup an enterprise payment method, reach out to us at
What fees do you charge?
Our pricing model is super simple. Workers never pay anything, and companies pay no more than $100 per location per month, which is literally nothing when you consider the savings you'll get from turnover reduction. The latest pricing information can be found at on the number of locations you have, it may even be possible to negotiate a volume discount.

Outside of the monthly fee, you are accountable to cover the cost of wages and related taxes for any on-demand shifts you post on the network. Clockedin does not charge fees for on-demand shifts.
For additional questions, visit our Frequently Asked Questions & Set up Guide.